Optimizing revenue isn’t just about your bottom line – bringing in more of your hard earned revenue means more resources to invest in growing your staff, improving your technology, and expanding your service area. It is also essential if your healthcare organization wants to maintain financial stability, reduce administrative burdens, and ensure efficient operations. So many organizations we work with put off really digging into their revenue workflows because they feel they don’t have the time. But improving these processes doesn’t have to be time-consuming or costly! Here are some practical tips you can implement right away, without needing to invest in new software or overhaul your entire system. 

Streamlining Billing Processes 

Efficient billing processes are at the heart of a well-functioning revenue cycle. When your billing is streamlined, cash flow improves, and your organization can operate more smoothly. But inefficiencies in billing can quickly lead to financial bottlenecks. Here’s how to make sure your billing processes are running smoothly: 

Improving Claims Management 

Effective claims management is crucial to reducing delays and boosting revenue collection. When claims are managed efficiently, it reduces the likelihood of denials and ensures quicker payment. Here are some practical tips to tackling your claims management: 

Enhancing Communication and Coordination 

Good communication and coordination are vital for a smooth revenue cycle. When your team is on the same page, it’s easier to manage tasks and keep everything running efficiently. A lot of this communication style is set up through company culture, but even if your organization struggles with open communication, establishing clear and easy communication channels for your billing team can make a world of difference in revenue cycle optimization. Consider these strategies: 

Utilizing EHR and AI Features 

Technology doesn’t have to mean expensive new software. Many organizations already have powerful tools at their disposal, but they aren’t fully utilizing them. EHR and AI can significantly enhance your workflows if used effectively: 

Prioritizing Staff Training and Development 

Your team is one of your most valuable assets, and investing in their development can lead to significant workflow improvements. Continuous training ensures your staff remains competent and confident in their roles: 

Optimizing your revenue cycle workflows doesn’t have to be overwhelming or expensive. By implementing these practical tips, you can make significant improvements with minimal disruption and build a stronger team that works well together. If the idea of diving into your workflows feels daunting, we’d love to help! Check out our billing department assessments and consulting services – we’d love to connect and help you get your operations running as efficiently as possible. 



As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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Optimizing Revenue Cycle Workflows 

Optimizing revenue isn’t just about your bottom line – bringing in more of your hard earned revenue means more resources to invest in growing your staff, improving your technology, and expanding your service area. It is also essential if your healthcare organization wants to maintain financial stability, reduce administrative burdens, and ensure efficient operations. So many organizations we work with put off really digging into their revenue workflows because they feel they don’t have the time. But improving these processes doesn’t have to be time-consuming or costly! Here are some practical tips you can implement right away, without needing to invest in new software or overhaul your entire system. 

Streamlining Billing Processes 

Efficient billing processes are at the heart of a well-functioning revenue cycle. When your billing is streamlined, cash flow improves, and your organization can operate more smoothly. But inefficiencies in billing can quickly lead to financial bottlenecks. Here’s how to make sure your billing processes are running smoothly: 

  • Standardize Billing Procedures: Create clear and consistent procedures for all billing tasks. This helps reduce errors and ensures that everyone on your team is following the same process. Make sure these procedures are memorialized somewhere that all billing staff have access to.  
  • Regularly Review and Update Codes: Keep your coding practices up-to-date to avoid denials. Schedule regular reviews of codes to ensure accuracy and compliance with the latest regulations. Looking for some guidance? Check out our September webinar or our Resource Library for free educational resources! 
  • Set Up Alerts for Missing Information: Use your EHR system to set alerts for any missing or incorrect patient information before billing. This can reduce rejections and speed up the payment process. Utilizing the technology you already have available is a great way to optimize current processes without adding administrative bulk. 

Improving Claims Management 

Effective claims management is crucial to reducing delays and boosting revenue collection. When claims are managed efficiently, it reduces the likelihood of denials and ensures quicker payment. Here are some practical tips to tackling your claims management: 

  • Track Claim Status: Keep a close eye on claims as they move through the process. Regular monitoring allows you to spot and address issues before they become bigger problems. 
  • Train Staff on Common Denial Reasons: Educate your team on the most frequent reasons for claim denials and how to prevent them. This proactive approach can save time and reduce frustration for both staff and patients. Check out this webinar on demand to learn about common denials for Medicare in FQHCs. 
  • Implement a Claims Scrubbing Process: Use a claims scrubbing process to catch errors before submission. This could include an automated check for common errors like duplicate claims, a manual review by staff to check for application of custom rules, or setting up error alerts for real-time feedback for billers. This reduces the chances of denials and speeds up the approval process. 

Enhancing Communication and Coordination 

Good communication and coordination are vital for a smooth revenue cycle. When your team is on the same page, it’s easier to manage tasks and keep everything running efficiently. A lot of this communication style is set up through company culture, but even if your organization struggles with open communication, establishing clear and easy communication channels for your billing team can make a world of difference in revenue cycle optimization. Consider these strategies: 

  • Hold Regular Team Meetings: Regular check-ins help keep everyone informed and aligned with your organization’s goals. These meetings can be a great time to discuss challenges, share updates, get feedback on your current processes, and plan for the future. 
  • Use EHR Features for Task Management: Many EHR systems have built-in tools for assigning and tracking tasks. Leveraging these features can help keep your team organized and ensure that nothing falls through the cracks. 
  • Create a Centralized Communication Hub: Establish a central location for all communication, such as a shared platform or intranet. This ensures that all team members have access to the same information and can collaborate effectively. Model usage of this hub as a leader, using it often and regularly to update staff and communicate important information. 

Utilizing EHR and AI Features 

Technology doesn’t have to mean expensive new software. Many organizations already have powerful tools at their disposal, but they aren’t fully utilizing them. EHR and AI can significantly enhance your workflows if used effectively: 

  • Automate Routine Tasks with EHR: Use the automation features in your EHR to handle repetitive tasks like appointment reminders or billing alerts. This frees up your team to focus on more complex issues. 
  • Consider AI for Predictive Analytics: Some EHR systems include AI tools that can predict trends and help you adjust workflows. Even small adjustments based on predictive data can have a big impact on your efficiency. 
  • Utilize EHR Reporting Tools: Make use of the reporting tools in your EHR to track performance metrics. Regularly reviewing these reports and taking the time up-front to customize the reports to fit your needs can help identify inefficiencies and guide improvements in your workflows. 

Prioritizing Staff Training and Development 

Your team is one of your most valuable assets, and investing in their development can lead to significant workflow improvements. Continuous training ensures your staff remains competent and confident in their roles: 

  • Offer Regular Training Sessions: Make sure your staff is up-to-date on the latest industry standards and best practices. Regular training sessions can improve skills and introduce new techniques that enhance productivity. Bringing in an expert to do customized training for your team is a great option! But there are a lot of wonderful, free resources available as well. Check out NACHC’s website for their webinar offering or check out our live webinar calendar here. 
  • Encourage Cross-Training: Cross-training allows your team to be flexible and fill in for each other when necessary. This ensures that critical tasks are always covered, even if someone is out of the office, and helps you build a deep bench. 
  • Create a Mentorship Program: Establish a mentorship program where experienced staff can guide newer employees. This helps build a stronger, more cohesive team and ensures internal knowledge is passed on effectively. 

Optimizing your revenue cycle workflows doesn’t have to be overwhelming or expensive. By implementing these practical tips, you can make significant improvements with minimal disruption and build a stronger team that works well together. If the idea of diving into your workflows feels daunting, we’d love to help! Check out our billing department assessments and consulting services – we’d love to connect and help you get your operations running as efficiently as possible. 



As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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Benchmarking in Healthcare RCM: Measuring Performance and Identifying Opportunities 

Effectively managing your revenue cycle is more important than ever. Benchmarking is a crucial tool that allows healthcare organizations to evaluate their revenue cycle performance against industry standards, identify areas for improvement, and set realistic financial goals. This process not only helps optimize financial operations but also enhances your overall organizational success. In this blog, we’ll explore the importance of benchmarking in healthcare revenue cycle management, highlight key performance indicators that deliver meaningful data about your revenue cycle, and address common challenges faced during implementation for all healthcare organizations.  

FQHCs are unique in their own way, and we’ve got you covered too! Let’s dive in. 

The Importance of Benchmarking in Healthcare RCM 

You can’t improve what you’re not measuring, which makes benchmarking a powerful strategy for optimizing the efficiency and effectiveness of your RCM processes. By comparing your organization’s performance to industry standards, and to your own performance year over year, you can gain valuable insights into where you stand and where you can improve. This process helps identify gaps, inefficiencies, and areas that require immediate attention, keeping your financial operations aligned with best practices. 

Working with healthcare organizations nationwide, we find they often struggle with maintaining consistent cash flow and minimizing the time it takes to collect payments. Without proper benchmarking, it’s easy to overlook issues that could be costing your organization significant revenue. By regularly benchmarking key metrics, you can proactively address these issues and enhance your overall financial performance. Additionally, benchmarking supports informed decision-making, enabling leadership to implement changes that drive improvement and long-term success, allowing you to focus on keeping your community healthy and happy. 

Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) to Monitor 

As you begin to tackle practical ways to measure the performance of your revenue cycle, certain KPIs begin to stand out as critical measures of success. Monitoring these metrics allows you to pinpoint your team’s strengths and weaknesses, and helps you figure out if your financial operations are running efficiently. 

  • Days in Accounts Receivable (AR): This metric measures the average number of days it takes to collect payments after a service is provided. A lower number indicates a more efficient revenue cycle. While the “optimal” age of AR can vary depending on the type of organization, payer mix, and other factors, a generally accepted benchmark for aging AR is 30 – 40 days. If you find that your AR is regularly aging past this benchmark, it could signal inefficiencies in your revenue cycle. 
  • Net Collection Rate: This KPI shows the percentage of collectible revenue that your organization is actually collecting. A higher rate signifies effective revenue cycle processes, meaning your bringing in the hard-earned revenue you deserve. A lower rate means it is time to examine your billing procedures, coding accuracy, staff training, or patient communication procedures. 
  • Denial Rate: The percentage of claims denied by payers is a crucial indicator. A low denial rate suggests that claims are being processed correctly and efficiently. Industry experts recommend aiming for a denial rate of 3 – 5% – anything higher than that could indicate issues with your current workflows. According to one study, the top causes of denials are issues with authorizations, provider ineligibility and coding errors. Monitoring this benchmark helps you identify the gaps your organization needs to address. 
  • Cost to Collect: This metric reflects the total cost of collecting payments as a percentage of total revenue. Costs vary across organization types, medical specialties, and even states, but keeping this cost low is essential for maintaining profitability. 

By regularly tracking these KPIs, you can paint a clear picture of your revenue cycle performance and make data-driven decisions to improve financial outcomes. 

Common Challenges in Implementing Benchmarking 

Implementing benchmarking in healthcare RCM isn’t without its challenges. Many organizations struggle with the initial setup and ongoing maintenance required to effectively benchmark their performance. Some common challenges include: 

  • Data Collection and Accuracy: Gathering accurate and comprehensive data can be time intensive, but inaccurate data can lead to misleading benchmarks and hinder improvement efforts. 
  • Resource Constraints: Limited resources, such as staff and technology, can make it challenging to maintain consistent benchmarking practices. 
  • Resistance to Change: Staff and leadership may resist changes that benchmarking data is suggesting, especially if those changes require significant adjustments to current workflows. 

Overcoming these challenges requires a commitment from leadership to prioritize benchmarking as an essential part of your organization’s financial strategy. If you have any holdouts on your leadership team, take some time to gather and present solid research backing the importance of the KPIs you want to measure, and lay out step-by-step plans for each adjustment the data recommends. Taking the time to allay fears, get everyone on the same page, and address hurdles head-on will enable your team to successfully implement benchmarking and realize its full benefits. 

Benchmarking for FQHCs: Unique Considerations 

Federally Qualified Health Centers face unique challenges in managing their revenue cycle, making benchmarking a particularly valuable tool. FQHCs often serve diverse and underserved populations, leading to complexities in billing and collections that other healthcare organizations don’t have to address. 

For FQHCs, key metrics such as the Sliding Fee Discount Schedule Utilization (how effectively you are providing reduced fees to low-income patients) and Grant Fund Reporting Accuracy (how precisely you use grant funds in compliance wiht federal and state requirements) are particularly important and unique to FQHCs. These metrics help ensure that the financial operations are aligned with your mission of providing affordable care while maintaining financial sustainability. Additionally, FQHCs should consider benchmarking Patient Payment Collection Rates, which can be more challenging due to the financial situations of their patient populations. Check out our guide on Making Patient Payments Easier for ideas on improving this benchmark. 

Benchmarking also helps FQHCs find areas where they can streamline processes, reduce costs, and improve patient payment experiences. FQHCs are often bogged down by paperwork and processes, and prioritizing examining your procedures and results with a critical eye can help you marry your mission and your finances. 

Benchmarking and Outsourcing RCM 

For some healthcare organizations, and especially FQHCs, the complexities of managing your own RCM, benchmarking progress, adjusting procedures, and protecting staff well-being while providing quality care to your community can be overwhelming. Relying solely on internal resources to manage these processes can strain your team’s capacity and limit your ability to achieve optimal financial performance. If you feel like your organization is struggling to find this balance, it might be time to explore outsourcing all or part of your RCM. 

Outsourcing RCM gives you access to the expertise of specialized professionals who are well-versed in industry best practices and know your specialty and state inside and out. This can lead to increased revenue through more efficient billing and collections processes. Outsourcing can also free up your internal staff to focus on patient care and other critical tasks, rather than getting bogged down in administrative details. By partnering with an experienced RCM provider, you can improve your financial health while continuing to deliver high-quality care.  

This isn’t the right fit for every organization, but if you’re wondering if it’s right for your team, check out our free download to help you figure out if outsourcing is right for your organization, or check out this blog to learn what to look for in an outsourcing company.  

Benchmarking in healthcare RCM is a vital practice that enables organizations to measure performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and set realistic financial goals. By focusing on the key metrics that matter the most to your organization and patient population and addressing challenges head on, you can enhance your organization’s revenue cycle processes and achieve long-term financial success. If you’re ready to improve your RCM or assess your current processes, contact us to learn how we can help your organization reach its full potential.