Collecting patient payments is a challenge for most of the healthcare organizations we talk to. Often we find that their financial policies, initially built to make patient payment collection possible, are actually keeping patients from making payments on their balances. These financial policies are usually built with a one-size-fits-all mentality, and that approach fails to address the diverse needs of a diverse patient population. 

Even though all your patients may share similar traits, they are not part of a homogenous group. Creating a patient financial policy that responds to the distinct groups in your patient population is a great place to start improving your patient payments. 

Who are your Patients Financially? 

What’s the best way to segment your diverse patient population? 

We recommend starting with ability to pay. Several distinct groups emerge when you examine your patient population through this lens, and each group has different needs with regard to financial policy. By considering these groups, you can create a workable patient financialy policy that addresses the unique needs of your patients when it comes to collecting payment. 

Creating policies that adapt to all groups will also help avoid confusing exceptions to rules and create a process that is both clear to staff and fair to patients. 

The Easy Pay Group 

The first group to examine is the Easy Pay Group. These patients have the ability and desire to pay. All they really need is simple access to your organization’s preferred method of payment and they will make their payments. 

Removing all barriers to making payments and providing simple, easily accessibly ways to pay will increase payments collected from this group. 

How to make patient payments easier for this group: Make use of balance resolution tools 

The Challenged Pay Group 

The second group is the Challenged Pay Group. These patients want to make their payments, but they have limited means to pay and making their payments can be challenging. While these patients will benefit from balance resolution tools, they are often not enough to ensure prompt payment. This group will usually complete their payments before the intervention of a third party collection agency, though some patients might be in serious financial distress. 

How to make patient payments easier for this group: Intervene early 

The Inability to Pay Group 

This group simply does not have the means to pay for most or all of their portion of healthcare costs. Leading with compassion is the key to success for collecting patient payments from this group. Whether patients are in the group through situations beyond their control or through their own actions, consideration and a clear policy lead to the highest success. 

How to make patient payments easier for thie group” Lead with compassion and have a well developed financial plan 

The Refuse to Pay Group 

The final group is hopefully the smallest. Typically, those that fall into the Refusal to Pay Group fall into one of two scenarios. Some are manipulative, and those might respond to third party collections, especially if the bill is large. Others in the group might perceive that they have been mistreated during their care, and these patients require careful consideration because heavy handed collection techniques could cause additional complaints. 

How to make patient payments easier for this group: Engage a collection agency and attorneys if needed 

Understanding and segmenting your patient population’s financial identity is crucial for improving payment collections at your organization. By moving away from a one-size-fits-all policy and instead leading with empathy and tailoring your approach to the distinct financial needs of your patients, you can create a more effective and compassionate payment collection process. Looking for guidance on processes and payment types? Download our free guide “Making Patient Payments Easier” to learn more!



As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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Collecting Patient Payments – What is your Patient Population’s Financial Identity? 

Collecting patient payments is a challenge for most of the healthcare organizations we talk to. Often we find that their financial policies, initially built to make patient payment collection possible, are actually keeping patients from making payments on their balances. These financial policies are usually built with a one-size-fits-all mentality, and that approach fails to address the diverse needs of a diverse patient population. 

Even though all your patients may share similar traits, they are not part of a homogenous group. Creating a patient financial policy that responds to the distinct groups in your patient population is a great place to start improving your patient payments. 

Who are your Patients Financially? 

What’s the best way to segment your diverse patient population? 

We recommend starting with ability to pay. Several distinct groups emerge when you examine your patient population through this lens, and each group has different needs with regard to financial policy. By considering these groups, you can create a workable patient financialy policy that addresses the unique needs of your patients when it comes to collecting payment. 

Creating policies that adapt to all groups will also help avoid confusing exceptions to rules and create a process that is both clear to staff and fair to patients. 

The Easy Pay Group 

The first group to examine is the Easy Pay Group. These patients have the ability and desire to pay. All they really need is simple access to your organization’s preferred method of payment and they will make their payments. 

Removing all barriers to making payments and providing simple, easily accessibly ways to pay will increase payments collected from this group. 

How to make patient payments easier for this group: Make use of balance resolution tools 

  • Place a payment button on your website 
  • Offer automated payment plan options 
  • Be able to accept as many different payment types as possible 

The Challenged Pay Group 

The second group is the Challenged Pay Group. These patients want to make their payments, but they have limited means to pay and making their payments can be challenging. While these patients will benefit from balance resolution tools, they are often not enough to ensure prompt payment. This group will usually complete their payments before the intervention of a third party collection agency, though some patients might be in serious financial distress. 

How to make patient payments easier for this group: Intervene early 

  • Ensure balance resolution tools are accessible 
  • Have interventions and payment options available at time of service 
  • Be willing to coax and nudge with compassion 

The Inability to Pay Group 

This group simply does not have the means to pay for most or all of their portion of healthcare costs. Leading with compassion is the key to success for collecting patient payments from this group. Whether patients are in the group through situations beyond their control or through their own actions, consideration and a clear policy lead to the highest success. 

How to make patient payments easier for thie group” Lead with compassion and have a well developed financial plan 

  • Address the group at the beginning of care rather than months or years post treatment 
  • Be kind and considerate when discussing financials 
  • Develop clear policies outlining discounted rates for this group 

The Refuse to Pay Group 

The final group is hopefully the smallest. Typically, those that fall into the Refusal to Pay Group fall into one of two scenarios. Some are manipulative, and those might respond to third party collections, especially if the bill is large. Others in the group might perceive that they have been mistreated during their care, and these patients require careful consideration because heavy handed collection techniques could cause additional complaints. 

How to make patient payments easier for this group: Engage a collection agency and attorneys if needed 

  • Engage a collection agency 
  • Run credit scores to determine cost effective actions 
  • Consult with a healthcare attorney if collection agency methods fail 

Understanding and segmenting your patient population’s financial identity is crucial for improving payment collections at your organization. By moving away from a one-size-fits-all policy and instead leading with empathy and tailoring your approach to the distinct financial needs of your patients, you can create a more effective and compassionate payment collection process. Looking for guidance on processes and payment types? Download our free guide “Making Patient Payments Easier” to learn more!



As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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As we near the end of the year, many of the healthcare organizations we work with are beginning to look forward and plan for 2024. Part of this planning is updating, or even creating, a strategic plan. Strategic planning can be defined as “a process used by organizations to identify their goals, the str
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Bringing Your Mission Statement into Daily Operations: A Guide for FQHCs 

Mission statements are the heart and soul of Federally Qualified Health Centers. They define the purpose and direction of the organization. Integrating your mission statement into daily operations can transform how your FQHC functions and serves its community and unite your staff like never before. This may require a cultural shift for your team, but the effort will increase your impact and connect your team to your community in new ways. Here’s how to make it happen! 

Understanding your Mission Statement 

Your mission statement is the guiding star of your FQHC. It captures your core values and goals. Understanding what your mission means in practical terms is the first step toward making it a living part of your daily operations.  

  • Define what your mission statement means in practical terms. Your mission statement has been carefully crafted by experts, leaders, and board members. But what does it actually mean? Step one is to translate the abstract values and goals of your mission into specific, actionable items that can be integrated into daily operations. This helps staff at all levels understand how their roles contribute to your overall mission. 
  • Break down its key components. Identify the core elements of your mission statement and relate them to concrete actions. For example, if your mission emphasizes community health, ensure that all initiatives and programs are community-focused. This helps your organization stay mission focused as you grow and expand your programs and services. 
  • Discuss how these components align with your daily activities. Regularly review your operations to ensure they reflect the mission statement. If your mission centers around equitable care for all, is your scheduling system accommodating to different work schedules or transportation needs? If your mission focuses on serving a particular population, do you provide important paperwork in a language they can read? Examine your key components regularly and make sure they’re reflected in the day-to-day activities of your organization. This continuous alignment helps maintain focus on the core objectives and values of your FQHC. 

Aligning Leadership and Staff 

For the mission to thrive, everyone needs to be on board. Leadership plays a crucial role in setting the tone. Aligning your leadership and staff is essential for building a cohesive and motivated workforce. 

  • Leaders should embody the mission in their actions and decisions. Leadership behavior should reflect the mission statement, reinforcing its importance and relevance. This can inspire and motivate staff to follow suit. Make sure your leadership team and all board members know the mission statement and understand how it guides your organization. 
  •  Create training programs to educate staff about the mission. Regular training sessions help staff understand and internalize your mission. These programs should explain how their unique roles contribute to achieving the organization’s long-term goals. Include the mission statement and its connection to specific positions during employee onboarding as well, so each new team member joins with an understanding of your FQHCs goals and culture. 
  • Ensure regular communication from leadership about the mission’s importance. Frequent, clear communication from leaders about the mission helps keep it top-of-mind for all employees. This can include meetings, newsletters, and other forms of communication. Take these opportunities to highlight how recent initiatives and projects align with your mission, share success stories that show your mission in action, and provide updates on progress towards any of your goals. Leadership can also take the time to celebrate staff achievements and recognize their contributions towards your mission. 

Incorporating Mission into Patient Care 

Your mission should shine through in every patient interaction. Patient-centered care is essential. Ensuring that every touchpoint with patients reflects your mission can significantly enhance their experience and trust in your services. 

  • Develop practices that put patients first. Implement protocols and procedures that prioritize patient needs and experiences. This could include personalized care plans and patient feedback mechanisms. Giving your patients easy, quick ways to submit feedback, both positive and negative, helps continuously refine your care practices. It also encompasses your payment structure and payment methods. Check out our guide on making patient payments easier for more ideas. 
  •  Train staff. Staff should be equipped with the skills and knowledge to deliver care that aligns with the mission. Regular training and role-playing scenarios can be effective tools to get your staff on the same page. 

Operational Practices Reflecting the Mission 

Your workflow and processes should align with your mission. This ensures consistency and integrity. By embedding mission-driven practices into your operations, you create a coherent and focused organization that is true to your values. 

  • Design workflows that support your mission. Review and adjust workflows to ensure they are mission-driven. This could mean streamlining processes to focus more on patient care and less on administrative tasks, or adjusting your paperwork process to eliminate multiple forms that feel repetitive. Utilizing technology to move your patient information safely and securely from one department to another can help provide a seamless experience for your patients, which is a great idea if your mission focuses on a people-first approach or serves populations that may struggle with literacy.  
  • Utilize technology to streamline and support mission-driven practices. Speaking of technology, it’s a great tool to help center your workflows and operations around your mission. Adopt technology solutions that enhance efficiency and allow staff to focus more on patient-centered care. For example, automated appointment reminders are a great tool to help eliminate tedious tasks from your staff to-do lists and give them more time to focus on patient care. If your mission is focused on removing barriers to healthcare, adopting telehealth and adjusting processes around intake procedures can help your mission take center stage in workflows.  

Community Engagement and Outreach 

For most mission-based healthcare organizations, engaging with your community is a vital part of your mission. Outreach programs can help. By actively participating in community development and addressing social determinants of health, FQHCs can significantly impact public health outcomes. 

  • Involve the community in mission-driven activities. Host community events, health fairs, and educational workshops based on the programs and services that you provide. These activities not only promote health but also strengthen community ties and trust. 
  • Develop outreach programs that reflect your values. Create programs aimed at addressing the specific health needs of your community. Think about your unique mission and how you can creatively offer new programs that address the issues you and your team are trying to solve. If you focus on healthcare accessibility, think about adding a mobile clinic. If your mission is based on improving healthcare outcomes for a location or specific population, providing workshops on nutrition education using resources and grocery stores your community has access to could be a great way to reach out. And don’t forget the power of digital resources and social media! Offering these educational outreach programs online in addition to in-person can connect a wider audience with your mission and reach even more community members. 
  • Partner with other organizations to advance shared goals. You have developed your awesome outreach programs, and now you want to increase your audience and reach your community. Collaborating with local schools, non-profits, and other healthcare providers can enhance your reach and impact. 

Monitoring and Evaluating Impact 

To keep your mission alive and thriving, you need to measure its impact regularly. Set clear metrics and adjust as needed. Regular monitoring and evaluation ensure that your efforts are effective and aligned with your mission. And remember, a mission-driven culture is always evolving. Encourage continuous improvement. 

  • Define metrics to measure mission integration. Establish specific, measurable indicators of success that matter to your organization and your mission. These could include patient satisfaction scores, health outcomes, and community engagement levels, but talk to your stakeholders and leadership to figure out what mission success looks like to them. And once you have these metrics, don’t just run the reports. Really use the data! Use these metrics to regularly evaluate your progress and be prepared to make changes to strategies and practices as needed to stay on track. 
  • Highlight success stories and case studies to show progress. Share examples of how your mission has positively impacted the community. These can be individual stories, or successfully completed programs. Turning your data into stories and showing the impact your organization creates not only demonstrates success but also motivates staff and stakeholders. 
  • Promote a culture of ongoing learning and development. Encourage staff to pursue professional development opportunities. This keeps them engaged and informed about best practices. And hold regular internal training sessions for staff to help them stay aligned with your mission. 
  • Adapt the mission statement when necessary to stay relevant. Communities are dynamic, and healthcare is constantly evolving. Your mission should evolve as well. Periodically review and update your mission statement to reflect changes in community needs and organizational goals. 

Integrating your mission statement into daily operations is key to a thriving FQHC. By aligning leadership and staff, focusing on patient care, refining operational practices, engaging with the community, and committing to continuous improvement, you can create a mission-driven organization. Your mission matters – embracing your mission into your operations in practical ways unites and motivates your team, enhances your service quality and strengthens your community impact!